Tuesday, June 11, 2013



There comes a time when conversations are harder to come by. You find yourself sitting next to the person you liked so much and yet don’t know how to start a conversation that will allow you to look without being accused of really lookiag. It feels like biting your lips hard to have yourself something good to say.
You might find yourself wondering when it started to fall apart. It is like looking back at something that don’t actually exist, never existed. Because it was never ‘together’ but just you thinking it is possible to be together’.
Now you spend most of the time thinking how you used to easily start a conversation with all laughs and ends it with more laughs. Then you look ahead to the future and imagine how all conversations starts with sneer and unfriendly words and ends with more words that you wouldn’t want to hear or say.
It is like ending up between the shadows of the past and possible future where everything is unclear like the one person that walks with you at times when the sun or the moon is right above you. 

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